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Monday, January 1, 2007

Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet

(A beautiful tradition "There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm." by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) written in Arabic calligraphy, the photo is taken by Mahir Sayar)

Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet is a great documentary produced by PBS talks about about the life story of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islamic religion.

Scholars in the documentary:

-Karen Armstrong - Britsh scholar of religions, former nun and author of the book "Muhammad".
-M. Cherif Bassiouni - Professor of Law, DePaul University, 1999 Nobel Peace Prize nomine.
-Michael Wolf - Muslim convert and author of The Hadj.
-Mohammed Zakariya - Muslim convert and Caligrapher.
-Many others

Watch the doucumentry online:
(run time 1:54 Hour)


Unknown said...

This is not working.

Gentleman said...

thanks for your comment, I have fixed it, now it's working again.

Peternak Hebat said...

nice share

Unknown said...

This is a good truth on Islam

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